Residential Solutions
No one wants to think about living with rodents. They carry disease, contaminate food and surfaces with their nibbling and excrement, and can cause significant structural damage to gas lines, electrical wires, water pipes, walls and floors. That’s why thinking about rodent control before it happens is fundamental to safeguarding your home. Experts across the globe agree that exclusion - creating physical barriers to keep pests out - is much safer and far more cost-effective than waiting for a problem to occur and to then have to remove rodents once inside.
While products like caulk, mortar and spray foam are enticing barrier solutions, they offer little to no protection against the gnawing power of rodents. Xcluder's® patented Rodent-Proof Fill Fabric is the only product on the market tested and proven effective against rodents by the USDA/APHIS lab. Xcluder’s collection of rodent-proof solutions is designed to safeguard popular rodent entry points including exterior and garage doors, air vents, foundation gaps and cracks, beneath roofing tiles, and points where electrical, water, gas, sewer and HVAC lines enter and exit the home.
Versa-Line Rodent Proof Door Sweeps, Mill Finish, No Cover - For Gaps up to 1.75"Item No. XCL-131-Versa-No-CoverView Product
Versa-Line Rodent Proof Door Sweeps with Cover - For Gaps up to 1.75"Item No. XCL-151-Versa-with-coverView Product